Lone Tree Golf Club

February 10, 2019

Mike Jackson

Championship Flight


Gary Klein

Palmer Flight

Hans Birkholz

Hogan Flight

Bruce Mills

Sarazen Flight

Andrew Fautz

Jones Flight

Rod Villa

Snead Flight

Mike Healy

Sr. Palmer Flight

Bob Gardner

Sr. Hogan Flight

Mark Crewse

Sr. Sarazen Flight

Lone Tree Golf Club

Feb. 10, 2019



The Championship Flight, Michael Jackson wins his second Championship flight in a row firing a one over par 72. One stroke back in second place alone at 73 is Kyle Lohse. Richard Hunt takes third at 74.


The Palmer Flight, Gary Klein wins this flight firing a 74 to edge out second place finisher Douglas Boyd at 75. Two strokes beind Boyd in third place is Jay Helquist at 77. Kevin Dorris takes fourth shooting 78.


The Hogan Flight, Three players tie for first place at 80 and it was Hans Birkholz capturing the victory in the play-off leaving Daniel Herbig and Gene Dorsch tied for second. Alfred Taylor takes fourth at 81.


The Sarazen Flight, Bruce Mills captures the win in this flight firing an 81. Frank Mayfield takes second place shooting 82.


The Jones Flight, Andrew Foutz wins this flight firing a 77. Jason Mendiola takes second place at 78 and Larry Zimmerman finishes third at 80.


The Snead Flight, Rod Villa fires a 90 for a one stroke victory in this flight. Barbara McCormick takes second shooting 91 and Martin Yeomans is third at 95.


Senior Palmer Flight, Michael Healey and Michael Seaman needed a play-off to break their tie at 76 and it was Michael Healey taking the victory leaving Michael Seaman holding second place. Mike Smothermon and Mark Strole tie for third at 78.


The Senior Hogan Flight, Robert Gardner runs away from the rest of his competitors firing a 75 for a four stroke victory. Steven Barron takes second at 79 and Todd Keim finishes third at 80.


The Senior Sarazen Flight, Mark Crewse fires a 75 and wins by four strokes. Jesse Durham and Roger Vermillion tie for second place at 79.