It's Time to Recognize




Palm Valley Golf Club

March 3, 2019



Barrett Haberer

Championship Flight

Doug Boyd

Palmer Flight

Tim Bender

Hogan Flight

Chane Miller

Sarazen Flight

Guy Fredrickson

Jones Flight

Barbara McCormick

Snead Flight

Greg Eyrich

Sr. Palmer Flight

Hans Birkholz

Sr. Hogan Flight

Mike Lee

Sr. Sarazen Flight

Steve Lucas

Sr. Jones Flight

Palm Valley Golf Club, North-South

Mar. 3, 2019



The Championship Flight, Barrett Haberer wins the Championship flight firing a four over par 76. Two strokes back tied for second place shooting 78s were Christopher Alderson and Gary Klein.


The Palmer Flight, Douglas Boyd wins a tie-breaker with Ryan Miller, they shot 75s to lead their flight by three strokes. Shooting 78s to tie for third place are Jay Helquist, Jason Glashan and Michael Fink.


The Hogan Flight, Tim Bender and Gene Dorsch fire 81s and needed extra holes to break the tie. Tim Bender outlasted Gene Dorsch on the sixth extra hole for this flights victor leaving Gene Dorsch holding second place. Bill Royer and Alfred Taylor tie for third place firing 82s.


The Sarazen Flight, Chane Miller and Jerry Connelly needed extra holes to find the champion and Chane Miller takes the trophy and Jerry Connelly settles for second place. Their 86s were four strokes better than third place finisher Frank Mayfield at 90.


The Jones Flight, Guy Fredrickson captures the win shooting an 86. Jason Mendiola takes second place just one stroke back at 87.


The Snead Flight, Barbara McCormick takes first place in this flight shooting a 94. four shots back and tied for second place firing 98s are Linn Montjoy and Rod Villa.


Senior Palmer Flight, Greg Eyrich cruises to a five stroke victory firing a 77. Tied for second place are Dennis Engen and Mike Smothermon shooting 82s.


The Senior Hogan Flight, Hans Birkholz and Steve Barron needed extra holes to find a winner and Hans Birkholz takes the victory leaving Steve Barron with second place. Their 78s were two strokes better than third place finisher Art Bocanegra at 80. Tied for fourth shooting 81s are Dave Byrtus and Michael Lara.


The Senior Sarazen Flight, Mike Lee squeaks by the rest of his flight with a one stroke victory firing an 81. Second place is earned by Chris Muhammad shooting 82. John McCrickard takes third place shooting 83.


The Senior Jones Flight, Steve Lucas fires an 87and wins by three strokes. Fred Fezatte takes second place shooting a 90.