Top Finishers & Payouts


Championship Flight



75 – Kyle Loewen ($75 in gift cards + Award)



Palmer Flight



82 – William Rios ($125 in gift cards + Award)
85 – Jeffery Lee ($50 in gift cards)



Hogan Flight



79 – Kyle Travers ($125 in gift cards + Award)
83 – Marc Watts ($75 in gift cards)
83 – Ron Balesteros-Perez ($50 in gift cards)


Sarazen Flight



81 – Jose Espinoza ($75 in gift cards + Award)



Jones Flight



89 – Brad Searby ($50 in gift cards + Award)



Snead Flight



96 – Chad Dunson ($100 in gift cards + Award)*
*Won in Playoff



Thanks again for coming out and playing! We hope to see you at the next one!!


Dan Cacho